This is the form of individual competition in which the player totals his score for each of the 18 holes giving a gross score. Then the deduction of the sloped handicap after 18 holes gives a net score. The lowest net score wins the competition. In some major competitions, there is also a winner based on the best gross score.


Rather than count the total number of strokes taken, as in Stroke Play, points are scored based on the number of strokes taken on each hole. Unlike Stroke Play, where the aim is to have the lowest score, the objective in a Stableford competition is to have the highest score. The system of scoring was developed to deter golfers from giving up after just one or two bad holes, and has the added benefit of speeding up play - once a player can no longer score a point, the hole does not need to be completed, and the player should pick up their ball and proceed to the next hole.

The par for the course is adjusted for each player, based on the player's sloped handicap, and the stroke indexes of the individual holes, starting with the lowest stroke index (1) through to the highest (18). A player with a handicap of 12 would get additional strokes on holes with stroke index 1-12, whereas a player with a handicap of 24 would get two additional shots on holes with stroke index 1-6, and one additional shot on the holes with a stroke index of 7-18, etc

2 points are scored for a net par, i.e. matching the adjusted required number of strokes. Every stroke above the adjusted par results in a reduction of the points, so that completing the hole in 2 shots more than the adjusted par results in 0 points being scored. (Hence the possibility to then pick up and proceed to the next hole.) Every stroke below the adjusted par results in additional points being scored, i.e 1 stroke under adjusted par =3 points, 2 shots under = 4 points etc.


This is a golf match played by 3 players, where 6 points are played for on each of the 18 holes. The player's receive a handicap based upon their full sloped playing handicap. The lowest handicap player's allowance is then reduced to 0 shots and the other 2 players receive shots "off" this player: example:

Player A's sloped handicap is 12, player B's sloped handicap is 18, and player C's sloped handicap is 24, then the "shot" situation would be as follows:

Player A – 0 shots     Player B – 6 shots      Player C – 12 shots

Note: the stroke indices of the holes determines which holes the shots are received on.

The 6 points available on each hole are awarded as follows:-

1 person winning a hole

The winner of the hole will receive 4 points, the next best will receive 2 points and the third player 0 points. If the other 2 players tie the hole then the 2 points are shared and they will therefore receive 1 point each.

2 players tied on a hole

In the event of 2 players being tied, then the 2 players will receive 3 points each and the third player will receive 0 points.

3 players tied on a hole

In the event of all 3 players having the same score, then all 3 players will receive 2 points

Note: All scores are net scores, having allowed for the number of shots determined by handicap difference.

At the end of the game, the winner is determined by adding up all the points.

For the Men's and Ladies Thursday Leagues, the player with the most points will receive 2 points in the league, the second player 1 point and the third 0 points. In the event of the winner having a score of 50 or more then they will be awarded 3 points.


Simply a Pairs Betterball competition in which players may only take 3 clubs (of their choosing), and a putter out on the course. Yellow tees for Men and red tees for Ladies.


Simply a Stableford competition in which players may only take 3 clubs (of their choosing), and a putter out on the course. Yellow tees for Men and red tees for Ladies.


Teams of 4 - All players drive on each tee. Stableford scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The position of the ball must be marked. The player whose ball was chosen must play first. The other players in the team may clean the balls and then play them from that position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

After the drive, all players play their own ball until they hole out. Various number of best Stableford scores per hole are to count, and each player must have a certain number of his/her drives selected and clearly marked on the card. These will be indicated in the instructions for specific individual competitions.


Teams of 2 - Both players drive on each tee. Stableford scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The position of the ball must be marked. The player whose ball was chosen must play first. The other player in the team may clean the ball and then play it from marked position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

After the drive, both players play their own ball until they hole out. Each player must use minimum of 7 drives each, and these must be clearly marked on the card. Best Stableford score to count on each hole. 


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

On all par 5's, two players stableford score are to count: on all par 4's three players stableford scores are to count: and on all par 3's, all four players stableford scores are to count.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

On stroke index 13 to 18, two players stableford score are to count: on stroke index 7 to 12,  three players stableford scores are to count: and on stroke index 1 to 6, all four players stableford scores are to count.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Like a 4 ball betterball, the two best stableford scores per hole count towards the team score. However, on 4 holes the scores will be doubled. The holes will be selected by a random number generator, and announced on the competition start sheet.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Like a 4 ball betterball, the two best stableford scores per hole count towards the team score. However, on 4 holes the scores will be doubled. The holes will be selected by a random number generator, and announced after the competition has been completed.


Teams of 2 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Like a Pairs betterball, however, on 6 holes both players scores will be counted. The holes will be selected by a random number generator, and announced after the competition has been completed.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Like a Betterball Stableford, however, on 6 holes all 4 players scores will be counted. The holes will be selected by a random number generator, and announced after the competition has been completed.


Teams of 2 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

On all Par 4's, only the best score counts. On Par 3's and Par 5's, both scores count towards the team total.


Teams of 2 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

The teams stableford score is Player A's score multiplied by Player B's score on each hole. For example,

Player A scores 1 point and Player B scores 3 points - the team scores 3 (1 x 3) points.

Player A scores 3 points, but player B blobs - the team scores 0 (3 x 0) points.

Player A scores 2 points and player B scores 3 points - the team scores 6 (2 x 3) points.

and so on for 18 holes.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

The teams stableford score is the two best scores multiplied together on each hole . For example,

Player A scores 0 points, player B scores 2 points, player C scores 3 points, player D scores 3 points - the team scores 9 (3 x 3) points.

Player A scores 0 points, player B scores 0 points, player C scores 1 points, player D scores 4 points - the team scores 4 (1 x 4) points.

Player A scores 0 points, player B scores 0 points, player C scores 0 points, player D scores 4 points - the team scores 0 (0 x 4) points.

and so on for 18 holes.


Teams of 4 making use of all Tees: White, Yellows and Red! Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two best stableford scores per hole to count. Sloped handicaps are to be taken from the yellow Tees, for both Men and Women.

Tee off Hole 1 using the White tees, Hole 2 using the Yellow tees, Hole 3 using the Red tees, Hole 4 using the White tees and so on. Traffic light order: White, Yellow, Red


Teams of 4 making use of all Tees: White, Yellows and Red! Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Sloped handicaps are to be taken from the yellow Tees, for both Men and Women.

Tee off Hole 1 using the White tees, Hole 2 using the Yellow tees, Hole 3 using the Red tees, Hole 4 using the White tees and so on. Traffic light order: White, Yellow, Red

On holes when the White Tee is used, 2 scores count. On holes when the Yellow Tee is used, 3 scores count. On holes when the Red Tee is used, all 4 scores are to count.


Teams of 4 making use of all Tees: White, Yellows and Red! Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two best stableford scores per hole to count. Sloped handicaps are to be taken from the Yellow Tees, for both Men and Women.

Tee off using the Red tees on holes with Stroke Index 1-6, using the Yellow tees on holes Stroke Index 7-12, using the White tees on holes Stroke Index 13-18.


Teams of 4 making use of all Tees: White, Yellows and Red! Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two best stableford scores per hole to count. Sloped handicaps are to be taken from the yellow Tees, for both Men and Women.

The team can choose on which holes the White, Yellow, and Red Tees are used. 6 of each please !! Clearly marked on the scorecard. 


Teams of 4 - play your own ball. Stableford scoring - 20 scores to count on the front and 20 scores to count on the back.

You MUST choose the scores you are using after completion of that hole, and BEFORE teeing off on the next hole. You can use 1, 2, 3 or even 4 scores on a hole, but AT LEAST 1 score must be recorded on every hole (even if it is nil points). You may not choose more than 20 scores on the front 9, and no more than 20 scores on the back 9.

Be strategic, for example, you don't want to have to rely on using 4 scores on the last hole!


Teams of 4 - play your own ball. Stableford scoring - best 20 scores to count on the front and best 20 scores to count on the back.

Like Twenty Twenty, but you do not need to choose scoring holes having just completed them. At the end of the round, the best 20 scores from the front 9 and the best 20 scores from the back 9 will simply be added up - no constraints of at least one score per hole, no need for choosing scores strategically - just do your best! 


Teams of 4 - play your own ball. Stableford scoring - 2 scores to count on each hole.

Simply a 4 Ball Betterball Stableford but with all players playing from the Red Tees. Hence ... Simply Red.

TEXAS SCRAMBLE with a twist!

Teams of 4 - All players drive on each tee. Stroke Play scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The position of the ball must be marked. The player whose ball was chosen must play first. The other players in the team (in any order) may clean their own ball and then play it from marked position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

Next shot, again the team decides which ball is best placed, and the ball's position is marked. All players take a shot as described above. Carry on until you hole out, using the best shot each time.

Each player must have at least 4 of their drives selected, but a player may not have 2 consecutive drives selected. In other words if Player B's drive is chosen on hole 17 then Player B's drive may not be chosen on hole 18. Each player must have their 4 drives clearly marked on the card, simply by recording the gross score for the team under the column of the player whose tee shot was selected.

Players are allowed to substitute the ball, when their own ball is a distance away from the chosen ball, especially if this is done to maintain the pace of play.

How to Determine Team Handicap and NET Score: The team handicap is 10% of combined sloped handicaps for all teams. Handicap will be calculated to one decimal place. Example: 4 Player Team with combined handicap of 48 x 10% = 4.8 strokes off total gross score (e.g. final gross is 71 - 4.8 = 66.2 net).

For a 3 Player Team, on hole 1, Player A is allowed to play a "second drive", and a "second shot" at every stage of the hole, with a clearly identifiable "second ball". Player A is effectively a "playing ghost" on hole 1. It is like the team has 4 players.

On hole 2, Player B must play the additional ball, on hole 3 Player C, and then back to Player A on hole 4, etc. This should mean that a 3 player team is not disadvantaged relative to a 4 player team. The "ghost", like all other players, should have 4 drives identified clearly on the score card, and the teams gross score recorded in a separate column labelled "ghost" when the "ghost" drive is used.

The lowest handicapped player being player A, the middle handicapped player being player B and the highest handicapped player being player C.


Teams of 4 - All players drive on each tee. Stroke Play scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The position of the ball must be marked. The player whose ball was chosen must play first. The other players in the team (in any order) may clean their own ball and then play it from marked position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

Next shot, again the team decides which ball is best placed, and the ball's position is marked. All players take a shot as described above. Carry on until you hole out, using the best shot each time.

Each player must have at least 4 of their drives drives selected. Each player must have 4 of their drives clearly marked on the card, simply by recording the gross score for the team under the column of the player whose tee shot was selected.

Players are allowed to substitute the ball, when their own ball is a distance away from the chosen ball, especially if this is done to maintain the pace of play.

How to Determine Team Handicap and NET Score: The team handicap is 10% of combined sloped handicaps for all teams. Handicap will be calculated to one decimal place. Example: 4 Player Team with combined handicap of 48 x 10% = 4.8 strokes off total gross score (e.g. final gross is 71 - 4.8 = 66.2 net)

For a 3 Player Team, on hole 1, Player A is allowed to play a "second drive", and a "second shot" at every stage of the hole, with a clearly identifiable "second ball". Player A is effectively a "playing ghost" on hole 1. It is like the team has 4 players.

On hole 2, Player B must play the additional ball, on hole 3 Player C, and then back to Player A on hole 4, etc. This should mean that a 3 player team is not disadvantaged relative to a 4 player team. The "ghost", like all other players, should have 4 drives identified clearly on the score card, and the teams gross score recorded in a separate column labelled "ghost" when the "ghost" drive is used.

The lowest handicapped player being player A, the middle handicapped player being player B and the highest handicapped player being player C.


Teams of 2 - Both players drive on each tee. Stroke Play scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The position of the ball must be marked. The player whose  ball was chosen must play first. The other player in the team may clean their ball and then play it from the marked position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

The next shot is taken by both players from the best position (which must be marked) and so on until the hole is finished. Each player must use a minimum of 7 drives each, which must be clearly marked on the card, simply by recording the gross score for the team under the column of the player whose tee shot was used.

Players are allowed to substitute the ball, when their own ball is a distance away from the chosen ball, especially, if this is done to maintain the pace of play.

How to Determine Team Handicap and NET Score: The team handicap is 20% of combined sloped handicaps of both players. Handicap allowances will be calculated to one decimal place. Example: 2 Player Team with combined handicap of 48 x 20% = 9.6 strokes off total gross score (e.g. final gross is 74 - 9.6 = 64.4 net) 


Teams of 4 - All players drive on each tee. Stroke Play scoring.

The team then decides which of their balls is in the best position for the next shot. The player whose ball is selected then marks the position of their ball and picks it up. He/she does NOT play the next shot. The other players in the team (in any order) may clean their own ball and then play it from the marked position:

 - On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard);

 - Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.

This procedure (select->mark->each player plays, except the player whose ball is chosen) is repeated until the hole is completed.
Each player must have a certain number of his/her drives selected and clearly marked on the card, simply by recording the gross score for the team under the column for the player whose tee shot was selected. The number of required drives will be indicated in the instructions for specific individual competitions.

How to Determine Team Handicap and NET Score: The team handicap is 10% of combined sloped handicaps for all teams. Handicap will be calculated to one decimal place. Example: 4 Player Team with combined handicap of 48 x 10% = 4.8 strokes off total gross score (e.g. final gross is 71 - 4.8 = 66.2 net)

For a 3 player team, on hole 1, Player A is allowed to play a "second drive",and a "second shot" at every stage of the hole, with a clearly identifiable "second ball". Player A is effectively a "playing ghost" on hole 1. It is like the team has 4 players.

On hole 2, Player B must play the additional ball, on hole 3, Player C, and then back to Player A on hole 4, etc. This should mean that a 3 player team is not disadvantaged relative to a 4 player team. The "ghost", like all other players, should have 4 drives identified clearly on the score card, and the teams gross score recorded in a separate column labelled "ghost" when the "ghost" drive is used.

The lowest handicapped player being player A, the middle handicapped player being player B and the highest handicapped player being player C.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Each team to use 2 yellow balls (or similar, ie clearly identifiable as the teams 'yellow' balls).  One yellow ball MUST be used on each hole, and MUST be used by each player on at least 4 holes, unless both balls have been lost. Remember to clearly record this on the score card! 

If the first yellow ball is lost, then on the next hole, the second one may be used. Any scores acheived whilst using the yellow ball will count double. The hole must be completed with the yellow ball with which the whole was started. The best two stableford scores per hole are to count. 

If you return with the original two yellow balls an extra 10 points will be added to the score. If you return with just one ball you can add an extra 5 points to your score. If you return with no yellow balls, sadly you add nothing to your score. The number of balls you return with MUST be recorded on the scorecard - otherwise, it will be assumed that both balls were lost.

If you only have 3 players, a ghost player will be added to your team (teams of 3: please record all your scores on every hole, and use the Yellow Ball at least 5 times each). The lowest handicapped player being player A, the middle handicapped player being player B and the highest handicapped player being player C.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring. 

No, it's not a dance. It's a twist on a traditional fourball format, with only the best score counting on the 1st hole, two scores on the 2nd and then three on the 3rd. The process repeats, so that you count the best score on the 4th, two best on the 5th and so on.


Teams of 4 - Betterball Stableford. Play your own ball.

The rules are fairly simple in that the two best stableford scores per hole count towards the team score.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two stableford scores to count on odd holes and 3 stableford scores to count on even holes. 


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two stableford scores to count on even holes and 3 stableford scores to count on odd holes. 


Teams of 2 - Play your own ball.

Betterball Stroke Play for the first 9 holes and a Betterball Stableford for the back 9 holes. Deduct the stableford points on the back 9 from the net score on the front 9. 


Teams of 2 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

All scores to count towards the team total, but the Low handicap player's score is doubled on holes stroke index 15-18, and the High handicap player's score is doubled on holes stroke index 1-4 - like 4 jokers each, but you don't get to choose the holes.

If both players in the pair have identical sloped handicap allowances, then one must choose the "high road", and one must choose the "low road" - this must be clearly indicated on the score card.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

Two stableford scores to count on each hole. Each player must choose 2 Joker holes BEFORE teeing off on the 1st Tee. Mark these holes on your Score card accordingly.  Any points scored on Joker holes are doubled.


Teams of 4 - Play your own ball. Stableford scoring. Because this is going to be SO, SO easy (?), 3 best Stableford scores per hole to count. 

At the start of the round, each team is "given" a box of tricks, as follows -

Joker - 2 per player.  Each player must choose 2 Joker holes BEFORE teeing off on the 1st Tee. Mark these holes on your Score card accordingly.  Any points scored on Joker holes are doubled.

Mulligan - 1 per player. This is a retake of a drive, without penalty. This cannot be used as a provisional - if a player elects to take a mulligan, then that is the drive that must be used. The mulligan is then used up, even if the player subsequently finds their first drive, and unfortunately thinks it is in a better position than their mulligan!

Gift - 1 per player. This is a putt that is "given", from any distance - but the ball must clearly be on the green.

Wish - 1 per player. If you don't like your drive, but like someone else's - move your ball to be adjacent to theirs. The position of the drive to be matched must be marked. The player using their match may clean their own ball and then play it from the marked position. (On the green or fairway they must place it, not nearer the hole, within 6 inches (the height of a scorecard). Otherwise (e.g. in the rough, in a bunker etc.) they must drop it, not nearer the hole, within one club-length. When dropping in the hazard the ball must hit part of the hazard first.) 

Please note all tricks are NON-TRANSFERABLE - i.e. they are personally assigned to each player. If one player has no need to use let's say their Mulligan, they cannot let another player in the team use it. If an individual player has no need of their tricks - well aren't they wonderful. Use em, or lose em !

ONLY ONE TRICK CAN BE USED PER HOLE BY ANY ONE PLAYER !!! For example, you may not use your Wish on a Joker hole, or a Gift having already used your Mulligan on that hole, etc. Different players in the team may use one of their tricks on the same hole.


Play your own ball.

This is a competition in which the golfer plays a hole-by-hole match against the course. Unlike a true match, the whole round must be completed (e.g. does not finish on hole 16 if you are four up against the course) and the ball MUST BE PUTTED OUT ON EVERY HOLE, unless the hole has already been lost against the course.

Each player or team records on each hole whether, after receipt of their handicap stroke(s) for the hole, they have won, drawn or lost against the course. A bogey competition is scored plus (+) for a score better than NET PAR, zero (0) for a score of NET PAR and minus (-) for a score worse than NET PAR. At the end of the round the player/team returns a score of plus or minus versus the course, or 0 if the "match" was halved.


Identical to a Bogey, but with one additional scoring opportunity.

Play your own ball.

This is a competition in which the golfer plays a hole-by-hole match against the course. Unlike a true match, the whole round must be completed (e.g. does not finish on hole 16 if you are four up against the course) and the ball MUST BE PUTTED OUT ON EVERY HOLE, unless the hole has already been lost against the course.

Each player or team records on each hole whether, after receipt of their handicap stroke(s) for the hole, they have won, drawn or lost against the course. A bogey competition is scored plus (+) for a score better than NET PAR, zero (0) for a score of NET PAR and minus (-) for a score worse than NET PAR. In addition, any player or team winning a hole with a GROSS birdie, earns an extra 1/2 (+).  At the end of the round the player/team returns a score of plus or minus versus the course, or 0 if the "match" was halved.


Teams of 4 - play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

One score to count on holes 1 - 6, two scores to count on holes 7 - 12 and three scores to count on holes 13 - 18.


Teams of 4 - play your own ball. Stableford scoring.

For those who are non-Brits, Google this man, and his nifty hand sign! He hosted a gameshow back in the 80's called 3, 2, 1.

Hence 3 scores to count on holes 1 - 6, two scores to count on holes 7 - 12, and 1 score to count on holes 13 - 18. Sort of an Australian One, Two, Three?


Teams of 2 

Greensomes begins with EACH member of a team, or side, hitting drives. They decide which is the best drive, and then play alternate shots until the hole is completed. e.g If Player A hits the second shot, then Player B plays the third stroke, Player A the fourth, and so on until the ball is in the hole. 

Handicap: Take 60-percent of the lower-handicapped golfer’s handicap and add it to 40-percent of the higher-handicapped golfer's handicap. The sum is the side's handicap.


Used when there are only 3 players in a 4 ball team game. Players to enter their names in the A, B and C sections, the lowest handicapped player being A, the middle handicapped player being B and the highest handicapped player being C. The ‘ghost’ player’s handicap is based on the average of the three players combined sloped handicap (marked on the card in the ‘strokes received’ section). E,g if there are two men playing off yellows, with sloped handicaps of 17 and 8 respectively and a lady off the reds with a sloped handicap of 26 that would give a total of 51.The ‘ghost’ player would be deemed to have a sloped handicap of 17 i.e. 51/3.

The ‘ghost’ player would be assumed to take the same number of shots as player A on holes 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16, as player B on holes 2, 5, 8, 11, etc and player C on holes 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

For each hole the ‘ghost’ player’s stableford points should be calculated, based on the deemed handicap and assumed shots taken. If, for any hole the stableford points are higher for the ‘ghost’ player than the other players (1, 2 or all of them, depending on how many are to score on each hole), then the ‘ghost’ player’s points can be included in the team's score in lieu of a lower score.

The Competition Committee will apply special procedures for specific formats, for which the conventional process outlined above either cannot be applied, or does not provide adequate compensation for having only 3 players in the team. For example Scramble competitions, Traffic Lights, etc.



1. R&A Rules of Golf and Silves Golf Course Local Rules are in force in ALL team competitions;

2. The player of a chosen ball must play first - a 2 stroke penalty will be applied to the team's final score if the player of a chosen ball does not play first (applicable to scrambles and shambles);

3. There are no "gimmies" in any format of Team Competition. The ball must be putted out in every instance, unless it is not possible to improve on the already acheived team score (e.g. in a betterball scenario, where the remaining balls to be putted would result in fewer points than the players who have already putted out). In such a scenario, in the interests of improving the pace of play, and out of courtesy to all players on the course, the ball should be picked up.

4. All other breaches of competition conditions, beyond those specificed above, will result in disqualification of the team


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