Weekly Stableford & Eclectic (3 of 4) - Registration is Closed
- Title:
- Weekly Stableford & Eclectic (3 of 4)
- When:
- Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 07:57
- Where:
- Silves - Vila Fria,
- Category:
- Qualifying
Qualifying Stableford individual competition, 100% sloped handicap, yellow tees for men, red tees for ladies.
For more information visit the SDM Golf competition types page.
These will be normal stableford competitions, with an eclectic competition running in parallel.
The entry fee will be the usual 2,50€, for each stableford competition and an additional 2.50€ (debited in June) for entry into the eclectic element of the competition. This fee will be used to provide credits after the 4 rounds of the competition. Credits for the 4 stableford rounds will be awarded as normal. Maximum handicap is 40 for both Ladies & Men.
This competition will be a self-funding event.
Credits will be awarded at the conclusion of the 4 rounds for the best Gross Lady & Man, winner & runner up, and the best Net Lady & Man, winner & runner up. Credits will be issued depending on the number of entrants.
You do not have to play all 4 competitions to be part of the eclectic competition, however, your chances of winning will be increased the more competitions that you play.
See below for information on an Eclectic Competition.
Brief Description of an Eclectic Golf Competition
An eclectic tournament is a multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player. Golfers submit their scorecards for each round, and their lowest score for each hole across the multiple rounds contributes to give them one aggregate score. The winner of the eclectic competition is the player with the lowest aggregate score.
An eclectic tournament can be a stand-alone event contested over several days - consecutive or otherwise. More commonly, it is a bonus competition that runs concurrently, over a pre-agreed time, through other, unrelated tournaments.
Eclectics work this way:
- Each golfer plays the designated number of rounds.
- At the conclusion of those rounds, the golfer (or tournament committee) compares his scores on each hole per round.
- The lowest score made on each hole is recorded for the eclectic, producing one 18-hole score.
- It is not necessary that every player plays in every round, but obviously the more rounds entered, the greater the chance of a player securing a low score.
For example, let's say the eclectic is made up of three rounds. In the first round, the golfer scores a 6 on the first hole; in the second round, he scores a 7 on the same hole; and in the third round, he scores a 4. The lowest of those three scores on the first hole is a 4, so 4 is the golfer's eclectic score.
Draw and Results
- Max places:
- 72
- Booked Places:
- 70
- Available places:
- 2