Latest Completion Dates

March 26th  Round 1, 4th June Round 2, 13th August - Quarter Final,  17th September - Semi Final,  15th October - Final

The player at the top of each match should contact their opponents with 3 possible dates to play your match 

Sloped Index 100%

Shots= 100% of the difference

Players should receive 100% 0f their handicap, an example is as follows:

Player A Handicap 10, Red Tee slope rating 11 shots

Player B Handicap 15, Red Tee slope rating 16 shots

Player A plays of zero, Player B receives 5 shots

Click on this link to find: Ladies Handicap Table

Ladies red tees 

Champion 2022: Wendy Burns




Round 1Round 2Round 3Semi Final Final


Click HERE TO REGISTER for Eclectic

Summer Eclectic

June 25th, July 30th, August 27th and September 24th


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Interleague 2024