Latest Completion Dates
9th April - Round 1, 11th June Round 2, 13thAugust - Quarter Final, 10th September - Semi Final, 15th October - Final
The players at the top of each match should contact there opponents with 3 possible dates to play your match
Sloped index 90%
Shots 100% of the difference
Players should receive 90% of their handicap, an example is as follows
Player A Handicap 10, White Tee slope rating 9 shots
Player B Handicap 15, White Tee slope rating 14 shots
Player C Handicap 20, White Tee slope rating 19 shots
Player D Handicap 25, White Tee Slope rating 23 shots
Player A plays of zero, Player B Receives 5 shots, Player C 10 Shots, Player D 14 shots
White tees
2021 Champions:
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Semi F | Final |
K.Bell & I.Wakenshaw
K.Bell & I.Wakenshaw
R.Veltman & H.vd.Laar
S.Day & M.Marshall
S.Day & M.Marshall
S.Day & M.Marshall
P.Raap & D.Oelmann
R.Emrich & J. Rombouts
M.Schuijt & C.Rooney
S.Edwards & P.Tonstad
S.Edwards & P.Tonstad
R.Emrich & J.Rombouts
R.Emrich & J.Rombouts
R.Emrich & J.Rombouts
R.Emrich & J.Rombouts
D.Briggs & S.Newton
K.Scott & P.Chapman
K.Scott & P.Chapman
S.Barratt & W.Sinfeild
S.Barratt & W.Sinfield
S.Barratt & W.Sinfeild |
M.Huxtable & P.Steward
L.Smith & M.Caudle
D.Darling & J.Hall
L.Smith & M.Caudle
L.Smith & M.Caudle
L.Smith &M.Caudle
D.Underwood & P.Schofield
B.Cutt & E.Kassner
B.Cutt & E.Kassner